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The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke is the Gospel for the Liturgical Year C. Each numbered podcast below is accompanied by its relevant downloadable notes that summarise the key points in each podcast.

podcast #1. intro to podcast
podcast #2. introductory pocast to lk (23 mins)
podcast #3. summary of podcast (2 mins)
Podcast #4. Lk 1.1-4 Introduction
Podcast #5. Lk 1.1-4
Podcast #6. Lk 1.1-4 Conclusion
Podcast #7. Lk 1-2 A. structural overview
Podcast #8. Lk 1.5-38 B The two annunciations
Podcast #9. Lk 1.57-2.52 C. Intro
Podcast #10. Lk 1.57-2.52 D. Birth stories and aftermath
Podcast #11. Lk 1-2 E. Conclusion
Podcast #12. Lk 3.1-4.13 Introduction
Podcast #13. Lk 3.1-4.13
Podcast #14. Lk 3.1-4.13 Conclusion
Podcast #15. Structural Overview of Lk 4.16-7.23
Podcast #16. Lk 4.16-5.11
Podcast #17. Introducing Lk 4-9
Podcast #18. Literary Outline of Lk 7.24-9.50
Podcast #19. Structural Overview of Lk 4.16-7.23
Podcast #20. Lk 9.51-19.27
Podcast #21. Lk 19.28-21.38
Podcast #22. A Very Brief Overview of Luke's Passion Narrative (3 mins)
Podcast #23. Act 1 Luke's Passion (Lk 22.1-22.53)
Podcast #24. Act 2 Luke's Passion (Lk 22.54-23.25)
Podcast #25. Act 3 Luke's Passion (Lk 23.26-56)
Podcast #26. Act 4 Luke's Passion (Lk 24)
Podcast #27. A Summary of the 4 Acts that compose Luke's Passion Narrative (6 mins)
Podcast #28. Thematic Summary of Luke
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