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The Bible Repository gathers in one place accessible commentaries through audio, video and accompanying notes on the various books of the Bible by fine biblical scholars. They provide you with ways of deepening your appreciation of the Word of God. Keep coming back here to see what unfolds as this wonderful resource grows.

5 Mins with the Gospel

“In preparation for the forthcoming Sunday celebration of the Eucharist and the Word,  Fr Michael offers a 5 min reflection on the Gospel in an audio downloadable file. It would be helpful to have read the Gospel for yourself beforehand. This Gospel reading (along with the other readings for Sunday) can be found here:"

5th Sunday in Year CMichael Trainor
00:00 / 04:00

456 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys South Australia 5032, Australia

Office Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9am to 12pm,

Thursdays & Fridays 9:30am to 12:30pm


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