Matthew’s Gospel - Liturgical Year A - Michael Trainor
Michael Trainor presents a careful study of the whole of Matthew's Gospel. Each of the video presentations, which go for about 30 mins, is accompanied by notes that can be downloaded. The notes accompany the content of the videos.
Session 1: Introducing Matthew’s Gospel
Session 2: The Context of Matthew’s Gospel
Session 3: Matthew’s Gospel in Liturgical Year A
Session 4: Mt 1-2. Jesus’ Birth
Session 5: Mt 3-4. Jesus’ Ministry Commences
Session 6: Mt 5-7. Jesus’ first teaching: Sermon on the Mount
Session 7: Mt 8-9. Jesus’ deeds of healing
Session 8: Mt 10: Jesus’ second teaching; Words for the apostolic Mission
Session 9: Mt 11-12: Rejection of Jesus
Session 10: Mt 13. Jesus’ third teaching: His parables
Session 11: The Geography of the Gospel
Session 12: Mt 14-17. Miracles, Controversies and the Cross
Session 13: Mt 18. Jesus’ fourth teaching: Advice to a divided Community
Session 14: Mt 19.1-9. Matthew’s teaching about Divorce
Session 15: Mt 19-20. Jesus heals; the Cross looms
Session 16: Mt 21-23. Growing opposition to Jesus
Session 18: Mt 26.1-56. The Passion of Jesus—Part A: The plot of betrayal unfolds
Session 19: Mt 26.57-27.31. The Passion of Jesus—Part B: Religious and political Trials of Jesus
Session 20: Mt 27.32-66. The Passion of Jesus—Part C: Jesus’ crucifixion and aftermath
Session 21: Mt 27. Jesus’ Resurrection and Commission
Session 22: Matthew’s Gospel for Today