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Catholic News

The Southern Cross is our own Catholic newspaper for the Archdiocese of Adelaide, first published in July 1889. Its online format features news items from the Catholic world, and articles on Catholic life pertinent to the local diocese and parishes.


CathNews is a service of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. It offers daily Catholic news updates (when you subscribe—in the top right hand corner of the site), media releases and other news items.

Catholic News Service has a rich history of journalistic professionalism and is a leader in the world of Catholic and religious media. With headquarters in Washington, offices in New York and Rome, and correspondents around the world, CNS provides the most comprehensive coverage of the church today.


U.S. Catholic puts faith in the context of everyday life, with a strong focus on social justice. For 80 years we have been a courageous, forward-thinking forum for discussion among a broad range of voices.

Origins is the CNS documentary service delivering important church texts quickly and accurately for almost 50 years. Origins publishes texts from the Vatican, pope, bishops, Congress, Senate, Supreme Court and church leaders around the world. So much appears in Origins - some 225 texts yearly: texts in the news; noteworthy texts on the church's mission. You'll definitely appreciate Origins' depth and scope.

456 Henley Beach Road, Lockleys South Australia 5032, Australia

Office Opening Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays  9am to 12pm,

Thursdays & Fridays 9:30am to 12:30pm


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